When a student sees her teacher for the first time, she shouts, “My dad has a picture of you!”
In class, Angelina meets a new person who tells her, “My dad has your picture.” Angelina keeps an eye on the girl after school to find out who her father is. She almost passes out when she sees him. Angelina had built her dream private school from start. She was a determined and passionate teacher. At age 28, she not only ran the school but also loved teaching there.
One sunny Tuesday, Emily, a new student who was ten years old and had curious eyes and a nervous smile, walked in. Angelina was interested when Emily introduced herself to the class and said she had a cat named Whiskers and had just moved to town with her dad. Emily said something out of the blue: “Oh, and my dad has your picture at our house.” When Angelina heard this, she was confused and interested in how Emily’s father was related to her.
Angelina watched Emily meet her dad outside after class without drawing attention to herself. Angelina thought of a long-ago memory when she saw the man’s familiar eyes and smile. She looked at him and realized it was Michael, her high school boyfriend. They had talked about deep things and made plans for the future. They dreamed of a life together full of love, happiness, and family ten years ago.
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